Bringing Longford people together since 1955
Our Constitution
The object of the Association is to bring together Longford people resident in London and the provinces for cultural, welfare and social activities.
The Association is non-political and non-sectarian.
Full membership by recommendation shall be opened to all persons of Longford birth and/or decent, and those resident in Longford for a period of at least 10 years.
Associate membership shall be at the discretion of the committee.
The Association shall be controlled by a committee which shall be at the discretion of the committee.
The Association shall be controlled by a committee which shall consist of five officers of the Association and twelve other members, who shall also have power to frame bye-laws.
The committee shall be elected annually.
Patrons, President and Vice- Presidents of the Association shall be nominated annually.
All vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled by co-option.
Only fully paid up members shall be eligible for election to the committee.
Associate members are not eligible for election to the committee.
All elections shall be by secret ballot.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March.
Amendments to the Constitution and resolutions shall be in the hands of the Secretary 21 clear days before the Annual General Meeting.
Special General Meeting shall be called for the purpose of considering any definite re-commendation to the committee wither (a) by resolution of committee or (b) at the request in writing of not less than thirty-three and on third percent of membership setting forth the terms of recommendation for consideration.
Annual Subscription shall be full Member £2.00, Associate Member £3.00 The Year shall begin on April 1st and end March 31st.
The Committee reserve the right to refuse application for membership or expel any member in the interest of the Association.
Only members in good standing for twelve months who have attended at least three meetings may stand for officer on the committee.